In this ongoing series, I translate music into drawings. Each drawing records impressions of live music made at gigs with a ball-point pen, which I later scan and invert on Photoshop. The descriptions record the musicians, venue and date. I was inspired by Pauline Oliveros’ definition of aphorisms - “(the ear tells the eye where to look)” - to relate gesturally to a time-based medium I care deeply about. It’s become a form of synaesthetic call-and-response, a near-impossible task of signal transmission which I undertake in free form, out of deep respect and admiration for the atmospheres musicians manage to create from silence. These atmospheres are collective, sensitive and rare: they encloak as they engage. It’s also a way of exposing my hands, ears, and eyes’ capacity to translate, or transduce, nerve-neurology perception pathways we don’t yet have names for.